FUNdraiser Tailgate Party





As we look forward to this Thursday’s festivities, may we, as Judy said in Sunday's lesson, take time to “feast” on memories of wonderful past Thanksgivings. 

At Unity of Traverse City, we give thanks for the support of our dedicated congregation, the many volunteers that are essential to the daily operations (including our hard working Board & Office Manager) and to the unique features that exist inside the church building and on the outside property, as well.

Of course, the most recently completed project was the electrification of the Amphitheater. The project’s cost came to $5000 and, thanks to the generosity of so many, total donations are now at $4800.

However, this FUNdraiser involves a connection between Saturday’s OSU-Michigan football game and a chart with 100 squares located on the back wall of Unity’s Fellowship Hall. 46 squares have been “sponsored” at $100 each and the Church receives 60% of the sales of these squares while 10% goes to the square that matches each quarter’s score of the football game (for example; if the score at the end of the 1st quarter’s is 14 to 10, there are only two squares that line up with a zero and a four; the “winning” square being the one that matches 4 with OSU and 0 with MI). If this is confusing, all will be revealed at the end of the game's first quarter

Unless 14 more squares are sponsored, raising the total in the “pool” to $6000, there is a strong likelihood that the FUNdraiser will fall short of paying for the project’s cost by about $1200.

There is no requirement to participate in the football aspect of this Fundraiser for anyone wishing to make a donation as any amount will truly be appreciated. Checks may be sent to Unity of Traverse City, 3600 Five Mile Rd, Traverse City 49686.  Simply notate your check for Amphitheater Fund. You can also make donations with your credit cards.  Of course, your donations for this project will gladly be accepted anytime prior to the end of December!

Just a pleasant reminder that the Church is hosting a "Tailgate Party" at 11 am this Saturday and there will be an opportunity for further donations prior to the start of the football game (noon). If you plan on attending, we’ll be having a potluck luncheon during the game’s halftime. The game will be televised live in the Sanctuary. You can also spend time in the Fellowship Room simply enjoying pleasant conversation and, possibly, sharing childhood stories that might even include mementos of high school and college years (feel free to bring childhood photos, yearbooks, newspaper articles, etc.).

Wishing you a most joyous and healthy Thanksgiving!

